As it might be evident from previous posts, I grew up a metalhead, and I’m still, quite vividly, a fan.
It all started sometime back in the mid-eighties, when my brother brought home an Accept album (bootleg copy, of course, but there were no other kinds behind the Iron Curtain at the time). We listened to that thing day and night. Others came later, of course. Manowar, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Metallica, Helloween, Yngwie Malmsteen, etc. etc… Eventually, my brother went to serve in the military, and then off to college, and I kept growing the collection, venturing off into all other types of metal and rock flavors.
But nothing would ever replace what in my mind is the first – and the best. Accept’s powerful sound will remain the soundtrack of my childhood (and many of my favorite books and a few of my own stories).
And on Tuesday, Oct.19, 2010, quarter of a century after they became an integral part of my life, I finally heard Accept play live!
They did not disappoint.
The show couldn’t have been more perfect. A small club concert, the experience was nearly intimate, as every first encounter with a childhood favorite ought to be. The energy of the band was astounding, and the sound was perfect. Even without Udo’s unique vocals, every old song sounded exactly as it should — loud, powerful, and loaded with zeal and raw emotion. And the new songs nearly overpowered the old, which I’d have thought impossible. Finally, spending the whole concert a mere meter or two from the stage, I was able to see the band throughout the show from up close — and, whether it was excellent showmanship or their honest experience, each of the band members appeared to be enjoying themselves immensely. And, at least to me, this was the ultimate treat of the night – to share not only the music, but the joy of the experience, with other fans, and the guys from the band alike.
What a show!
And the band members themselves ended up being exceptionally cool dudes.
When we got the tickets, I wasn’t sure exactly what we were getting (there was no description, just a price difference). They weren’t general admission tickets, but from a brief search on other shows at this venue, I’d gotten the impression that the “perk” was going to be a reserved area on the floor. Never having been to this venue before (the Key Club in LA), I decided it was worth it.
Well, it turned out there was no “reserved” area. But, we were let inside the club first, which was pretty cool, considering it was raining. Then, we got directed to an area with merchandise, which was pretty cool too, especially since this was a last show and they were nearly out of everything. Then, we got pointed to a smaller room off to the side… To walk inside and see the band members themselves!!
So, I guess the tickets included a pre-show meet and greet. =)
For which neither my brother nor I were prepared, mentally or otherwise (worst of all, we didn’t bring a camera, and my cellphone’s camera is fine in well-lit areas, but is crap otherwise — it would have been nice to be able to take a photo or two and to avoid a slightly embarrassing moment). Still, it was pretty awesome meeting and talking to the guys (even if I ended up spiraling down into nervous chatter syndrome with one of them and was way too nervous to respond appropriately to a joke another of them made, which made me look like an idiot — but, hell, in this case, who cares, right?! Dude, I met the guys from ACCEPT!!!).
So, an exceptional show, and altogether, an incredible night!
Kudos to the guys from Accept, for officially getting the band together after all these years, for playing shows and recording new music again, and especially for returning to the U.S. and giving us the opportunity to experience their raw talent and energy live!