News from the writing world:
Got news “Scales” didn’t make it past honorable mention in WotF — can’t say I’m heartbroken. Can even say I expected it.
Posted its first 13 on Hatrack — they went up in flames. Another thing I need to tweak before sending it out to magazines.
Did some minor editing on “Prehistoric,” but I’ve lost the drive for it. May be a reflection of stuff going on in my life, may be just that the story’s dead. Or maybe I just need a few to recover from the beating I took earlier this week.
In other news, saw Watchmen for the second time tonight. Comic-booky movie, not so good, craft-wise… but really, REALLY great as a tribute to the comic. And the atmosphere was spot-on. And Rorschach was extremely well done (he was the character that made me fall in love with the comic, he’s the character who carried the movie for me, even if the brilliance of the comic/movie was in the story/message itself).
Well done!